Who Is Katie Goodman and Why Is She Making Me Feel Guilty?

Comedian, Author, Speaker & Half-Assed Activist

With an abundance of #FirstWorldProblems, Katie has spent her life feeling philanthropically inadequate. Where do you start?? When do you stop?? There’s never enough you can do and never enough guilt you can feel for living a good life while others are suffering.

A mix of Buddhist-Lifecoach-Comedian, Katie has tackled political comedy through her Off-Broadway, award-wining, internationally touring, and FUNDRAISING show, Broad Comedy.

Katie is also an author and speaker about how to use the tools of improv comedy in everyday life, but this website is not about her, so if you want to know more, click here: KatieGoodmanSpeaking.com

To date, Broad Comedy has helped raise over $2 Million for Planned Parenthood and the ACLU. But she still feels guilty EVERY time she gets her nails done.



Broad Comedy:

“Brought down the house … Brilliant!”



If SNL and Full Frontal with Samantha Bee had a child and hired Neil Patrick Harris as the manny, Broad Comedy is what you’d get.


“These brainy Broads know how to bring down the house while bringing in the bucks. They love the f-word (feminism) and aren’t afraid to use it. THEY WILL ENERGIZE YOUR SUPPORTERS, all the while making it a hilarious and inspiring night out.”